Report for Thursday, Mar 26th

Pop Quiz: All week long, celebrities and their tattoos. Today, name the celebrity who has a tattoo of a skeleton riding a Harley on his arm? Is it David Lee Roth, Johnny Depp, Matthew McConaughey or Snoop Dogg?

Coronavirus Stuff: The main reason New York just keeps getting more and more bad news and is the NEW epicenter of the country is because up to a few days ago, subways were packed with people all holding the metal hand rails and straps that hold the Coronavirus germs for up to 17 days. … Funny text from my daughter who has 3 children, it read, “Day 9 of Quarantine and I am getting sick of babysitting your grandchildren!” Now, that’s funny. … Way Back Machine, decades ago while at a press conference where Michael Jackson was introducing Thriller, Michael was asked why he was wearing a mask. Jacko said he believes a major pandemic is coming, and he and his kids will be ready. Wow! … While at the grocery, again, looking at empty shelves where toilet paper was missing, somebody had hung a sign saying, “No business is complete until the paper work is finished.”

TV News: This Is Us season finale on Tuesday was really well done. All new characters that cover 4 generations through flashbacks. Really good and recommend it. … Oh yeah, Finally, Ozark returns Friday on Netflix, I can’t wait. … Also happy Blacklist is back on Fridays, love James Spader and the show. … The Simpsons are planning a special and want Harry and Meghan to voice themselves.

Odds and Ends: There has been a formal complaint against Kim and Kanye for recording a phone call with Taylor Swift without her knowledge. In California, both parties must be aware they are being recorded and approve. I learned that lesson when doing mornings on radio.

Instead of TV Shows worth watching during the lock down, today, 5 of my favorite movies worth watching. Duck Soup with the Marx Brothers (1933), Airplane (1980), Bridesmaids (2011), Citizen Kane (1941) and Forrest Gump (1994).

Answer – Johnny Depp.


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