Let me get the really bad news out of the way first. Before you rush out and buy your tickets to the new Disney feature Snow White which opens today, save your money! I couldn’t agree more with the my former employer the New York Post official review who calls Snow White boring, mediocre, woke and the worst Disney re-tread they’ve done! I have my own comments about Snow White, but the Post put it perfectly! I give it 1 Star. Do yourself a favor, rent the 1937 original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
TV News: Saturday Night Live have named their next three hosts! Hosting March 26th, Mikey Madison the Oscar winner from Anora. April 5th the host will be Jack Black and the musical guest Elton John. And on April 12th, Jon Hamm host. All sound great. … Late night TV nugget. The American Federation of Television and Radio Artist have named the three greatest Late Night Hosts of all times. And while I agree, it’s sad that they haven’t been on TV for decades so younger people never got to see them. They are #3 Jay Leno, #2 David Letterman, and #1 Johnny Carson. … One more TV note. Write it down, Final season of Handmaids Tail debuts April 8th on Hulu.
Interesting. When you think of celebrities, you often think over paid, over pampered, over sexed and ego maniacs. But there are really great celebrities, real human beings. Keanu Reeves, Gary Sinise, Mark Wahlberg just to name a few. And here are just 5 celebs who volunteered and they served in the Military. #5 Adam Driver was a Marine, #4 Morgan Freeman was in the Air Force, #3 Mel Brooks served in World War 2, #2 Bea Arthur who played Maude on TV and The Golden Girls was a U.S. Marine! And #1 Clint Eastwood served in the Korean War. Now those are real stars!
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