Report for Thursday, Mar 17th

Happy St. Patricks Day, my much loved grandmother Neena would have been 130 years old today, I miss her so. I took her to lunch on her 98th birthday, and when I asked her where she wanted to go she said, “Mike I don’t care, as long as they have cold beer and hot chili.” She died 3 months later. God rest her soul.

Flip or Flop TV show was hosted for 10 years by the Christna Haack and her former husband Tarek, but they divorced he remarried and they can no longer work together. Quit! 

Biggest TV event of the weekend starts today, March Madness. I love it and after the Madness is USFL pro football next month on NBC and Fox, then Major League Baseball, and 4 moths after baseball, back to College Football. Can’t wait.

Before I forget, a related N.Y. Post Headline: While Yankee and Met fans don’t need vaccinations to attend games in New York and visiting teams don’t need proof of vaccinations to play in New York, Yankee and Met players will not be allowed to play in home games, unless they can prove they’ve been vaccinated. How Stupid is that?! New York Post headline screamed, “Out At Home.”

Early reviews from the Cannes Film Festival for Elvis, the biopic with Jason Butler as Elvis Presley and Tom Hanks as Col. Parker is getting better than average reviews, however, they’re not what producers has hoped. Some critics say that Hanks accent as the southerner Col. Parker sounds like a cross between Forest Gump and Prince Harry.

Odds and Ends: Somebody tell Jussie Smollet’s PR goons to shut the front door! Everyday, they call a press conference about how Jussie is being mistreated. Ridiculous! Stop the whining like a baby and remember, if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime!


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