Report for Thursday, June 25th

Love Nuggets: Yesterday Scott Disick spent the day at Kourtney Kardashian’s house visiting her and their kids. Friends say they are basically a couple again, but that could change any minute. … Meanwhile, the divorce isn’t even final and Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler were spotted at the Paramount studios, pitching a reality show, life after divorce. … John Krasinski and wife Emily Blunt with their two kids had a picnic at the Pacific Palisades Park overlooking the ocean. They are the true happy Hollywood family. … Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s daughter will be checking into the world next month and they say they are not going to name the child, instead they will wait until she is old enough to give herself the name she wants. When asked what they will call her until she names herself, Katy said Girl, girl will be her temporary name. That’s just weird..  

Odds and Ends: Julianne Hough, Billy Crystal, Claudia Schiffer, Jimmy Fallon and even Sara Silverman have been blasted by the media for dressing in blackface. However, Ted Danson and his black face get up at Whoopi’s Roast has managed to escape the media rage. Reason, Ted’s best friends, his wife Mary Steenburgen And Bill Clinton have been running interference. That’s what you call All American Know How. … When school opens, Miley Cyrus plans weekly speeches at schools about saying no to drugs. Miley got her 6 month drug free chip last week.

Got some Movie News: Anne Hathaway, Bill Murray and Robert Duvall will star in the movie, Bum’s Rush. It’s a live action film about a talking dog voiced by Bill Murray. And here’s a great Robert Duvall Hollywood sidebar. In 2014, Robert Downey Jr. agreed to star in the movie, The Judge. Jack Nicholson was signed to co-star, but when Robert Downey Jr. heard Nicholson was attached, Downey pulled out saying Nicholson was the greatest actor in Hollywood and he’d be upstaged by Jack. Nicholson bowed out! Robert Duvall took Nicholson’s place and Duvall agreed with Downey, saying, Jack was the best living actor in Hollywood.


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