Report for Thursday, July 8th

Movie News: Oliver Stone is at it again with his JFK Revisited documentary and it’s being shopped to HBO Max and Prime! Oliver has new CIA and FBI un-sealed documents. … More crazy, bizarre, nutty role choices for Nicolas Cage. Coming next week is Pig. Nick plays a homeless Oregon truffle hunter who befriends a pig that is stolen, forcing him to return to the forrest to find who stole his pig. That not strange enough for you? This week he’ll play an over the hill movie star who agrees to a paid appearance at a super fan’s birthday party but the fan is actually a CIA informant and a drug king pen who wants to get cast in a Quentin Tarantino film, this movie is called an action comedy. Then Nick will also play Joe Exotic in a television series. I mean Cage is bizarre.

TV Reviews: Big Brother lost a house guest to covid, but the show was good. Might want to watch this season, CBS, 3 nights a week all summer (3 Stars). … HBO tonight is the Gossip Girl reboot and if you’ve never seen it, no need in watching it. If you’ve seen it, you’re going to be very disappointed (1 Star).

TV News: Looking forward to the NFL and coming August 12th exclusively on HBO, Hard Knocks, will be how about them Cowboys!? This year the show that goes into the locker room and behind the scenes will focus on the Dallas Cowboys. … So, Bill Cosby’s people are talking to all networks about an exclusive interview but it’s not all that simple. While all the networks believe it would be a hugely viewed but the backlash would be so bad, it makes the decision tough. The big three are passing. And in case you missed it, Phylicia Rashad who was the first to scream her approval that Cosby had been let out of prison, has made a 180 degree turn around.

Programming Note: Couldn’t go on the Fourth so headed to St. Louis tomorrow to see daughter Natalie and grandkids, but movie reviews tomorrow via MP3, and back live Monday.


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