Report for Thursday, July 16th

Great News: Harvey Weinsleaz’s attorney’s have been in contact with all nine women accusing the sleaz of rape, trying to pay them off in return for not testifying, offering millions of dollars. Result, everyone of them has said no thanks, see you in court. 

TV News: ABC is debuting a new Fall show called the Bottom Line. It’s a family Sitcom about a 11 year old girl who has a prolapsed rectum. I don’t make this stuff up. It now very obvious, England and Australia have much better network television shows. While there are some funny parts of this show, it’s basically just one big fart. … Regarding the new streaming service, Peacock. It’s free to see NBC shows like The Office, Tonight Show, S.N.L. and other NBC programming. Plus the U.S. Open, the Olympics, Bravo, USA, Networks and news shows. Also NBC shows that never made it. Peacock also offers some original, premium shows and movies for $4.99 to $9.99 a month. … The MTV Video Awards will go on as scheduled August 30th but masks are mandatory. 

Tiger Woods is playing in the Memorial Tourney beginning today and I want to share a story about Tiger. Years ago, Tiger, Fred Couples, Fred Funk and Annika Sorenstam were playing in a TV Skins Game at Big Horn in Palm Desert. On Tuesday, media was invited to walk inside the ropes with the golfers during a practice round. I got to the Press Tent early, and to my surprise, Tiger was there by himself drinking an Orange Juice. I told Tiger when he was like 11 years old I played behind him and his dad at the Long Beach Rec course. He looked at me kind of funny and with a big smile said, “First hole there’s a driving range on the left and I used to hook it into that driving range.” I was shocked! I asked Tiger, when was the last time you played L.B. Rec? He said, “When I was 11, but I remember every shot I’ve ever hit.” That’s amazing. I’ll be watching today.


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