Report for Thursday, July 13th

Setting the record strait. People, TMZ, Access Hollywood and I were all duped about Rainn Wilson complaining he wasn’t a bigger star and richer, some jerk click baiter hacked him. To him and to you, so sorry. 

Love Nugget in Reverse: Word is, since Michael Jordan has said some very unflattering things about his son Marcus dating Scottie Pippen’s much older ex-wife, Marcus has stopped speaking to his dad. Man will take woman over parent every time. 

Television News: Fox has found a way around the writers strike, their new line-up is Lego Masters, Kitchen Nightmares, Hell’s Kitchen, Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, and Name That Tune, You Bet Your Life, Gordon Ramsey’s Food Stars, TMZ Prime Time, Jennifer Hudson Show and the NFL. No writers needed for those shows. 

Simpson News: Jessica Simpson is considering rekindling her music career. … Update on O.J. Simpson, old killer had at least one stent inserted into his heart. F.Y.I O.J. occasionally visits his 54 year old daughter, Arnelle, and his 52 year old son Jason. O.J. had Arlene and Jason with his first wife, Marguerite. Their first daughter Aaren died in a swimming pool accident. O.J. rarely sees Sydney (35) or Justin (33), who he had with Nicole.

Odds and Ends: It’s a funny old story and Leonardo DiCaprio told it again. When shooting Titanic during the scenes inside the ship when it was filling with water, James Cameron told the cast and crew, there was no time for bathroom breaks, just pee in the water! … The mustards come off the Disney hot dog. Their movies are tanking, their stocks have lost over half their value in 18 months, Disney+  has gone from 90 to 75 million subscribers. Theme Parks have raised their prices to $185, fewer people are going, this past Fourth of July was the smallest attendance ever. June 2022 the average time in line for a ride was 47 mins, last month it was 27 minutes. And they have fired 7,000 people in the last 12 months. Prediction, Apple will buy Disney in next two years and break it up. … Some conspiracy nuts suggest that Jamie Fox is using a double in Chicago. Right.


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