Report for Thursday, Jan 9th

Pop Quiz: Name the actor who has worn the same exact tux, tie, jewelry, cumber-bun and even shoes for the last 8 Award shows over the last 6 years? Hey dude, go shopping, is it Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig, Quentin Tarantino or Joaquin Phoenix?

Busy morning, I got happy, political, criminal, and movie news, also a new movie review and a California shocker. 

Happy News: It’s about 47 year old new mother, Cameron Diaz who’s refused to hire a nanny despite urging by husband, Benji Madden, to help her with their first child named Raddix. Shockingly, Hollywood had no idea she was even pregnant, biggest secret ever. Cameron sleeps in the nursery with baby, changes every diaper and reportedly is nursing?

Hollywood Political News: Despite Richard Jewell being called one of the best movies of the year, and one of Clint Eastwood’s best directed films, the ultra-liberal Director’s Guild and Producer’s Guild have ignored ultra-conservative Clint Eastwood. Gee, what a shock. Plus the Directors Guild did not nominate any women. Also wrong!

Criminal Note: With the new added Los Angeles rape charges against Harvey Weinsleaz, his current New York Judge may revoke Sleaze’s bail and send him to jail. I say great!

Movie News: Hearing great things about Tom Cruise’s new Top Gun: Maverick flick. While the state of the art special effects are incredible, complicated real jet-fighter scenes took months, and delayed the release almost a year.

Movie Review: Opening today limited and everywhere tomorrow, 1917. It may be the best movie of the year. Already won Golden Globe best picture and best director for Sam Mendes. The plot comes from a story Sam’s great grandfather told him, from what he witnessed during his service in WW1. This is Mendes second war movie, his first was Jarhead. Incredibly, this movie was shot and edited to appear as a single long take, that takes place in real time. It is amazing! (Rated R) – (110 Minutes) – (4 Stars).

California Shocker: The California legislature has approved budget for $50,000 worth of needles a month for San Francisco homeless. I can say no more.

Answer – Joaquin Phoenix.


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