Report for Thursday, Jan 7th

Bogie came through surgery okay. His biopsy results next week, thanks for the e-mails. 

Update: The London Mirror, and N.Y. Post both had big headline stories, Kim and Kanye divorcing. We told you in October, last month, Monday and yesterday. You heard it here first. 

Movie News: Sequels and prequels. Today, they will start shooting the final scenes of The Many Saitns of Newark. Set in the 1940’s it is prequel of the Soprano’s, with James Gandolfini’s son Michael playing the young Tony Soprano. This movie was shot in late 2019 but then came Covid and while that was happening, producers decided to make some changes which they are doing now. I hear this will be a great film.

4 TV Reviews: Starting off with the documentary, History of Swear Words, with Nicolas Cage as the host. As I’ve said before, brainless garbage, a waste of time. … Next, the documentary, Crack: Cocaine, Corruption and Conspiracy coming to Netflix on January 11th. This is a shocking story how President’s Nixon, Ford and Reagan financed billions of dollars of cocaine and crack to flood into America’s black neighborhoods, in return to fund anti-communist governments in Central America. Sickening story, how politics help destroy some black America communities. (4 Stars). … And tonight on NBC, Mr. Mayor. Created by Tina Fey stars Ted Danson as the clueless Mayor of Los Angeles. Maybe my living most of my life in Los Crapulous, sewer by the sea, I could relate to the local scenes and bizarre situations but I loved it. (3 Stars). … Last but not least, The Great Escapist, on Amazon Prime January 29th. Starring Richard Hammond and Tori Belleci from Grand Tour and Mythbusters. The plot has them shipwrecked on a desert island and using what’s left over from the ship wreck, to survive, making everything from vehicles to helicopters. Far out but fun. (2 Stars).

A thought, with all this political correct crap now a days, how would George Carlin, Don Rickles, Johnny Carson or Eddie Murphy would do today? Probably not well.


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