Report for Thursday, Feb 20th

Pop Quiz: Name the best celebrity chef. The top 4 are Anna Kendrick, Mindy Kaling, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Carrie Underwood. But who is the best celebrity chef?

There will be a secret meeting of MLB owners today, and they could vote to fire idiot Commissioner Manfred for his handling or not handling of the cheating scandal.

Very Odd Love Nuggets: Hayden Panettiere’s boyfriend was arrested for hitting her on Valentines day. Let me make this very clear, there is no excuse to hit anybody, especially a woman. With that said, Hayden has some serious issues, her former husband, Boxing Champion Wladimir Klitschko took their child to raise and she didn’t care. She’s been in and out of therapy, she continues to make bad decisions and now you can including choosing her boyfriends. … Next, a bookie in England has hung out a weird line, it’s the over and under how long Harry and Meghan’s marriage will last. He says 78 months is the number, 6 ½ years. … Last two nuggets are sick. There’s worry the Weinsleaz jury may be deadlocked and disgraced CBS President Les Moonves is being sued by 3 more women for sexual harassment, and the hits just keep on coming.

Odds and Ends: Paul McCartney loves to paint and draw and has over 100 pieces of his work going to auction with proceeds going to Climate Changes research. … American Media is bleeding. Their National Enquirer, Muscle and Fitness, Mr. Olympic and In Touch magazines are all up for sale or currently in escrow, and U.S. Weekly may be next. And 15 newspapers around the country are also expected to fold this year. … The murder trial of billionaire, 76 year old, eccentric, weird, crazy, Robert Durst starts today in Los Angeles. He’s charged with killing a friend, most believe he’s killed many.

Answer – #4 Mindy Kaling, #3 Carrie Underwood, #2 Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and #1 Anna Kendrick from Pitch Perfect and Into the Woods movies. She’s currently seen on TV doing Hilton commercials and I think Anna is a hottie.


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