Report for Thursday, Aug 3rd

Love Nuggets: Al Pacino (89) and his baby mama Noor Alfallah (29) have been dating two years and have a two month old baby they’re as happy as newlyweds. They are seen out for dinner a couple nights a week without the baby, always hand in hand and they don’t hesitate to show public displays of affection. … And Tom Cruise has been in contact with divorced Sofia Vergara! The two dated 18 years ago and while Tom was hot and heavy for the relationship, Sofia reportedly pulled the plug, now Tom wants to plug it back in if you know what I mean. … Speaking of divorce, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife is divorcing the Prime Minister and don’t be surprised if there’s some tabloid fall out dirt coming.

Big News: SAG, the studios and the writers guild will meet Friday and scoop is both sides are ready to talk bacon and get a settlement done. I hope so! 

5 Odds and Ends: When Cardi B was in concert and was begging to get cooled off, a guy in the first row threw water on her, only to have Cardi B throw a microphone and hit him in the head. Well that guy has contacted a lawyer and Vegas Metro have opened a criminal investigation against her. Heck, the way she threw that microphone and hit that guy, the Dodgers could use her, come on man. … Got a lot of money to throw away? On August 15th, Gwyneth Paltrow’s guest house will be available to rent via the Airbnb website. I hear $2500 a night, I’ll pass. … Harry and Meghan news, Harry is headed to Hong Kong for charity and Meghan will not be going. However, Megan is promising a huge announcement in next few days, but she’s keeping it secret and I can’t find any scoop on what it’s all about. … Here’s an odd nugget, Quentin Tarantino, Matt LeBlanc, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Bieber and Dennis Rodman were all abandon by their fathers, but all their dads came crawling back when they were famous. Nice dads. … And NFL football tonight on NBC!


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