Report for Thursday, Apr. 4th

From North California, I loved last week’s Pop Quiz Theme so much, we’re doing it again this week. How well do you know America? These are the 4 states with the best weather, but which is #1, is it Hawaii, California, Texas or Arizona?

Movie News: Well this sounds about as dumb as they come. Nick Cage has signed to star in,   Jiu Jitsu! Nick plays the leader of a Jiu Jitsu team, based on the comic book, that must save the world from Aliens. Is it just me, or does this sound horrible? … On the other hand, an early movie review, Long Shot. Starring Charlize Theron as a presidential candidate who is beautiful, smart, cunning but she’s also as boring as they come. Soo, she hires a PR guy played by Seth Rogen who is a fast and loose, shoots from the hip, and little crazy like a fox dude. But hold on, Charlize use to babysit this guy when he was 12 and she was his first love. She hired him, and they become an item, and as her speech writer, and PR guy, they hit the road with bizarre, hilarious and even scary incidents occur. (Rated R) – (123 Minutes) – (3 Stars)

I’m confused, Reese Witherspoon, Liz Banks, Alyssa Milano and other celebrities say they are boycotting Georgia because the state has banned abortions after 12 weeks, but all of these stars have VIP pass status and are regular guests at the BH Hotel, Hotel Bel Air in L.A, Dorchester and 45 Park Lane hotels in London, the Plaza Hotel in Paris and Hotel Eden in Rome, all owned by the Sultan of Brunei who has just passed a law, that all gays be executed. I guess they’re okay with that. Meanwhile Elton John, George Clooney, Justin Bieber, Kenny Chesney and others are boycotting the hotels and pressing others to do the same.  

Answer – Now this study was by National Geographic and I’m going on record disagreeing. However, they say #4 Arizona, #3 Texas, #2 Hawaii and #1 California.


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