Report for Thursday, Apr. 18th

This week’s Pop Quiz theme, back to knowing America. Today, with a hot summer coming, these are the 4 states with the lowest humidity, but which has the lowest? Is it Utah, Nevada, Texas or Arizona?

Odds and Ends: At 41 years of age, a sagging Stormy Daniels has decided to retire from stripping, however she’s been working on a new career, stand-up and has booked several comedy clubs this Summer. And yes, most of the content is Trump motivated. … Miley Cyrus has become a Disneyland nut, goes almost every week when in California. … Is It True, some facts regarding the Neverland documentary were not factual. The so-called rape room mentioned wasn’t even built when the boys say they were there. … Shaquille O’Neal plans to open a chain of gourmet ice cream shops, coast to coast. … Cher’s Broadway bio-play is one of the biggest financial bombs in Great White Hope history. … J.J. Abrams produced wrote and is directing the last Star Wars, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and J.J. is promising it will be the best of the franchise. Release this Christmas. … Celebrity sighting and still hot, 78 year old Raquel Welch and 78 year old Ann Margret. … Tiger is about to sign a multi-million dollar chewing gum endorsement deal, must be nice.

Legal Docket: More defendants will be in court today involving that college scam. Including several soccer coaches who gave scholarships to kids who never played soccer. New York Post headline screamed, “Field of Schemes.” And I’m hear Aunt Becki, aka Lori Loughlin will get at least 5 years in prison, minimum. … An Inside friend in Los Angeles called to say the 36 felony counts against Michael Avenatti just the charges in L.A., not the 57 other charges in N.Y. and D.C., will land Avenatti in prison for at least 40 years. Bye-bye, so long, farewell. … And looks like several new sex trafficking charges will soon be filled against R. Kelly.

Answer – #4, thanks to El Paso, is Texas, #3 Utah, #2 Arizona, and #1 lowest humidity is Nevada.


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