Report for Thursday, Apr. 11th

This week’s Pop Quiz theme, 5 celebrities have been named Hollywood’s healthiest celebrities, each day I will name one of the 5 healthiest,  your job is to pick that one. but the other choices are also health nuts. Today, is it Jillian Michaels, Cameron Diaz, Dalai Lama or Woody Harrelson?

Movie News: So a handful of women in Chelsea N.Y. had a 2-year scheme to get rich by getting married Wall Street men into a strip bar by doing free lap dances, drugging their drinks, getting them into a hotel room, then robbing them and stealing all their credit cards. It’s now being made into a movie starring J-Lo as the leader of the gang of girls called Hustlers. J-Lo is loosely playing Barbara Barbash, who was the ring leader of these savvy girls, and Barbara is suing J-Lo and the studios for millions because she says she’s being misrepresented. Barbara doesn’t deny conning, drugging, robbing, or stealing from the men. Barbara is complaining that J-Lo is playing her as a stripper and that’s a lie, she was a hostess. Well, excuse me.

Prediction, Avengers: Endgame will become the all-time opening box office in movie history when it opens this month. The current top opener is Avengers Infinity War with $257 million. Endgame should do $300 million. It’s going to be beyond huge. More movie news, Rocketman, the Elton John story is being called the best biopic ever made. I can’t wait.

Bitter, party of one. Brooke Mueller, Charlie Sheen’s EX and baby mama has had a cocaine problem for 20 years. And with Charley still feuding with Brooke, is it true that every time Brooke flies, Charley contacts TSA. Well, last week at LAX, Brooke was stripped search twice and held for 2 hours as they looked for drugs before allowed to travel.

Answer – Cameron Diaz surfs and does martial arts every day. Eats only organic and declares diet soda as the worst thing you can put in your body, even worse than cigarettes.


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