Report for Tuesday, Sept 22nd

Love Nuggets: I told you 9 months ago Kim Kardashian has been meeting with a high profile divorce attorney and finally the main stream media is reporting Kanye and Kim may be divorcing. But here’s some more scoopage, Is It True Kim may seen be named to the Board of Planned Parenthood and a loud spokesman promoting freedom of choice. Kanye says that is flat out murder and too much to forgive.

TV News: So I loved Downton Abbey, a PBS masterpiece. I also loved Outlander, a British show, produced by the BBC’s version of their Masterpiece Theater. And now I’ve found another great show, by the same producer that’s on Prime called, Poldark. First season was in 2015 about a British soldier who fought and was wounded in our revolutionary war who returns home to England to find his fiance married, his dad dead and his home in shambles. This was voted the #1 British Show over #2 Downton Abbey. I got hooked on it last weekend, however, England can blow it too. The English Emmys gave 2 Emmys to Tiger King. 

Next, if you’ve liked the previous Fargo’s on television, you are going to love the new season. Great writing, acting, comedy, suspense, thrills and blood and guts! Set in K.C. in the 1950’s, starring Chris Rock, Jack Huston and another one of my favorite actors, Timothy Olyphant who’s best know for Justified. Debuts next Sunday on FX (4 Stars). 

From great to forget about it. Despite show-runners pushing hard for a Spice Girls variety show special, no network, production company or advertisers want any part of it. … Final TV nugget, the Emmys were the worst rated in history, about the same as the average NFL game last weekend. 

Odds and Ends: I’ve always considered Kate Moss one of the sexiest celebrities ever, despite being a drunk pile crack addict. Happy to report Kate’s daughter, Lila is just as beautiful as momma Kate but opposite in every other way. Doesn’t drink or do drugs and is also very religious. Oh yeah, and Lila Moss is a model like Mom.


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