Report for Monday, Oct 26th

Five Love Nuggets: Kate Beckinsale (47) and her boy toy musician Goody Grace (23) have only been together for a year but it’s ka-put, over, see-ya. Kate called it off and it wasn’t the rumors that Goody had been wondered off the reservation. Kate tells friends she just couldn’t talk to him, a huge generation gap problem. Kate would talk about Sonny and Cher, Ronald Reagan and Paul Newman and he would be totally clueless. He once asked her what a land line phone was and how did you FaceTime on it? … You should never ever kiss and tell but Is It True, Russell Brand is writing a book that will cover, in detail, his 14 month marriage to Katy Perry. … I told you that Brad Pitt (56) dating 27 year old Nicole Poturalski was no big deal, she was already married to an 68 year old billionaire. Well she dumped Brad and is back with Sugar Daddy. … First it was Eva Longoria with a handful of bad boyfriends and two bad marriages. Then Jennifer Aniston with a handful of bad boyfriends and two bad marriages. Then you had Katy Holmes with a couple bad boyfriends, a bad divorce from Tom Cruise and then dumped by Jamie Foxx. Now it’s Selena Gomez, madly in love with Justin Bieber who dumped her and now dumped by The Weeknd. Selena says she’s giving up men for a year.

Odds and Ends: Simon Cowell has made an offer on a $32 million super estate in Barbados, leading some to believe Simon may be considering retirement. Stay tuned. … At 2 P.M. last Saturday Matthew McConaughey and his 12 year old son Levi were at the Texas/Baylor football game in Austin. At 7 PM at the Dodger/Tampa Bay World Series game in Dallas. Must be nice. And Levi looks exactly like Mathew, amazing. … Tim Burton has the green light to produce the old Adams Family sitcom early next year with an all new cast and the weekly show will air live every week. … Comment, maybe it’s just me but I can’t understand a word Ariana Grande sings.


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