Report for Monday, Nov 16th

Love Nuggets: Reese Witherspoon has met with a divorce attorney. Reese is currently married to Tim Roth but not for long. The two have had major problems for the past two years, and Tim talking Reese into investing tens of millions of dollars into the mobile video start-up Quibi that’s already close to belly-up didn’t help matters. … In a book to be released next year, several of Michael Jackson’s old girlfriend agree there was one huge problem being married to Jacko, he was impudent. … Good new/bad news for porn star Ron Jeremy. Good news, no more rape charges have been filed to the 35 already filed. Bad News, a half dozen new civil cases for sexual assault have been filed, including charges filed by his best friend, Charity Carson.

Rare Monday Movie Review: Woody Allen’s, A Rainy Day In New York. It’s just a regular old Woody Allen movie. Elle Fanning is fabulous, so is Selena Gomez. It’s about a college couple who go to NYC so she can interview a movie director but circumstance pop up and they end up not seeing each other the whole trip. Ho hum (2 ½ Stars).

Odds and Ends: Prayers go out for my old buddy, former Los Angeles Dodger manager 93 year old, Tommy LaSorda. Hospitalized last week in I.C.U., not covid, heart condition. … The biggest jerk rocker, by far, was Ric Ocasek of the Cars, deserted his first wife when she was pregnant, an absent father, left his sons and his second wife out of his will and was never true to either wife. A real jerk. … Next time you fly, here’s two nuggets you never heard of. In the last 10 years, 35 billion have flown on commercial planes. Those flotations under your seat that we are told about every flight have saved zero lives and 99.985% of injuries that happen on planes are caused by the serving carts bumping into people. … Amazing stat, since the virus hit in March 311,734 people have moved out of NYC.


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