Report for Monday, May 6th

This week’s Pop Quiz Theme, Hollywood studs, young, old and dead. Today, who’s the stud  who’s first gig was acting in a Coca-Cola commercial, is a huge practical joker, diagnosed as bipolar and bi-sexual. Is it Richard Gere, Ricky Martin, James Dean or Rami Malek?

Love Nugget: I can’t explain it but Hayden Panettiere hasn’t seen her child for over a year, she broke up with fiancé, baby daddy Wladimir Klitschko, and moved in with some jerk wanna be actor named Brian Hickerson, who by all accounts is a loud mouth a bum. Then last week Brian was arrested for beating-up Hayden, and then she bailed him out. Now Brian has another problem, Klitschko says he’ll kick Brian’s butt if he sees him. And What is Hayden thinking?

Media Nugget: The Dirtbag National Enquire was sold last week for $100 million. F.Y.I., many years ago I took a meeting with them at their then home office in Florida. I had been writing sports and entertainment for the N.Y. Post and they offered me a lot money, and said, “Just make up stuff about celebrities you know that they can’t disprove.” I passed! F.Y.I., the Enquirer’s front cover last week screamed, “Aretha Franklin’s body exhumed.” No surprise, it was 100% False. Please never ever waste your money on that rag.

Odds and Ends: Over the weekend, Jamie Foxx in talks with Mike Tyson, to play Tyson in a biopic. … Also over the weekend, former murder suspect Snoop Dogg hung with friend, Louis Farrakhan and even suggested Farrakhan should consider running for President. Comment, no comment. … And the latest added to the richest 1% in America included, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, The Boss, and Justin Bieber. What’s funny all these people slam and rip rich folks, now they’re one of them. 

Answer – James Dean. Also interesting, just 30 minutes before dying in a horrific automobile accident that was his fault, Dean got a speeding ticket, doing 80 mph in a 40.


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