Report for Monday, Mar 9th

Pop Quiz: Some folks are college hunting so I thought I’d do some research. These are the Top 4 Ranking colleges in America, but which is #1? Is it Stanford, Harvard, Cal Tech or MIT?

Television News: Shocker, Shark Tank was #1 on Friday, beating WWE Smackdown. … Casting news, Modern Family is over but star, Julie Bowen has already landed her own Sitcom on CBS called, Raised By Wolves. Julie’s character is named, Frankie Wolf and with her sister Lorie Wolf, adopt a 11 year old girl, hence, raised by wolves. … Jessica Alba has signed for a documentary series on Disney+ called, Parenting Without Borders. Jessica will travel all over the world, showing how differently children are raised. … SNL news and as predicted here, Pete Davidson was absent from the show last Saturday. John Krasinski will host SNL at the end of this month. Gee, what do you know, that’s the same weekend his new movie, A Quiet Place Part 2 opens. Actually I loved the first Quiet Place,  and it cost $17 million to make and has made $345 million. Part 2 will be huge too. Sidebar, John Krasinski’s father is a doctor currently working on Coronavirus, John’s university roommate was Dhani Harrison, who is George Harrison’s son, and one of those 6th Degree connection, John Krasinski’s is best friend’s with Jimmy Kimmel who, like me, worked at KROQ. 

Odds and Ends: Hot political nugget, Chelsea Clinton has an experimental commission looking into her running for Mayor of New York City. Yeppers. … R-Kelly will be back in court today, Kelly is charged in 6 states, accused of, among other things, sex with a minor, interstate transportation of a minor for sex, child pornography, rape, lewd actions upon a minor and other charges, he faces life in prison. … Latest thing effected by Coronavirus, all salad bars to be ordered closed in Washington. … 13 year old Suri Cruise will spend her summer finally reading for movie parts. Good luck. … Good friends, but odd friends dining on Saturday night are David Letterman and Kim Kardashian. 

Answer – #4 Cal Tech, #3 Harvard, #2 Stanford and #1 MIT or Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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