Report for Monday, Mar 25th

This week’s Pop Quiz Theme, American cities and how they rank in good and bad categories. Today, Top 4 Best Beaches, this according to the National Tourism Association, but what which beach is number 1? Is it Clearwater FL, Cape Hatteras NC, Kauna’oa HI, or Coronado beach CA?

This is Red Hot Scoopage. Anthony Pellicano turned 75 yesterday and also got out of federal prison after 15 years for wire fraud, wire tapping and racketeering. Five years before prison, Anthony was Hollywood’s hottest Private eye, and wiretapping some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. While in prison Anthony has been writing, what could be the most explosive Hollywood tell-all book of all time. He says he has shocking, never before heard trash on Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Sylvester Stallone, Courtney Love, Hugh Grant, Chris Rock, Tom Cruise, Bill Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee, and he swears that’s just to name a few! This could end carriers, stay tuned.

Since we last spoke, Disney sent out thousands of lay-off notices to Fox Studios employees, Disney just bought Fox. Happiest place on earth my butt. Disney is the real evil empire of show business. They love to fire people, raise prices and infringe on free speech. And while you may not like Rupert Murdock’s politics, I know Rupert, he is always fair to his people. … Folks still ripping Barbra Streisand’s interview in England where she says, “Hey, Michael Jackson had sexual needs, and the kids he had molested didn’t die or anything.” That gives credit that Old Bab’s hasn’t been tracking for last couple years. Those comments are proof. … Regarding Angel’s Mike Trout getting that $430 million dollar, 12-year contract. That breaks down to Trout making $98,000 every day for the next 12 years!

Answer – They say #4 Coronado, #3 Clearwater, #2 Kauna’oa and #1 Cape Hatteras North Carolina. For me it would be #4 Clearwater, #3 Hermosa CA, #2 Kauna’oa, #1 Waimanalo Bay.


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