Report for Monday, Mar. 18th

Pop Quiz, the big story last week the fraudulent admissions to college. All of these stars went to college, name the only celebrity who earned a doctorate degree in collage. Is it Will Ferrell, Shaquille O’Neal, Steve Carell, or David Letterman?

I told you that Paris Jackson was so upset about the Neverland Documentary that she went into hiding, rather than have to answer questions about it. She has continued to do drugs, and no surprise of the suicide on Saturday, her third attempt. Prediction, I don’t think Paris ends well. 

Love Nugget: For the record, it was Jennifer Lopez who pursued Alex Rodriguez, telling friends, she’s always had a crush on him. And despite what you may have read, they are in love like a couple teenagers. Also, for the record, they only speak Spanish to each other, never English so to keep everything they say private. 

Scoopage: Although they’ve been married 22 years, Felicity Huffman’s alleged illegal activities to get their daughter into college was done without husband William H. Macys knowledge. Although it has caused unbelievable strife, it will not cause a divorce. … Meanwhile Lori Laughlin’s two best friends, Bob Saget and John Stamos have not returned her calls since her arrest. Typical Hollywood phonies. And both Felicity and Lori have erased all their social accounts including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  

TV News: Blacklist renewed for it’s 7th season, while Walking Dead is getting cancelled. Ratings Down for A.I., SNL and Shark Tank. However, Survivor ratings are huge and Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon’s ratings are through the roof. … Nashville the TV Show is going to be Nashville the Broadway Show. … England has a TV show, Celebrities Dancing on Ice, and now it’s being pitched here in America. To be honest I’d rather watch another annoying Joe Namath commercial.  

Answer – Will Ferrell went to USC, David Letterman went to Ball State, Steve Carell went to Boston College, and while Shaq played basketball at LSU, he got his doctorate in Education at Barry University in Miami.


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