Report for Monday, July 6th

Shocking things that have happened since we last spoke. Kanye West has thrown his hat in the ring and says he is running for President, and I’m running for Miss American. Sean “P Diddy” Combs has teamed up with Louis Farrakhan for a regularly scheduled TV show. … With the arrest of Epstein’s girl, accused child molester Ghislaine Maxwell, may sing like a bird naming names of powerful people who she and Epstein hooked-up up with minors. Possible names are Prince Andrew, N.Y. Mayor Cuomo, Alan Dershowitz, Kevin Bacon, Woody Allen, some big time wall street moguls and others. Stay tuned.

Without theaters I have TV News and a couple reality shows you need to checkout. First, Wednesday night on CBS is Tough as Nails which matches up a fireman, farmer, Airline Gate Agent, Roofer, Forester, Iron Worker, Welder and others and are given tough work assignments. From the producers of Amazing Race, I liked it, Wednesday’s. … Next is, Floor Is Lava on Netflix. A weird reality show where contestants have to run an obstacle course set in a makeshift IKEA store. Failure drops the contestant into a floor of lava. On Netflix, Goofy but after a couple glasses of wine, worth a watch. … Final reality show nugget. The Big Brother House is completed, ready to shoot, contestants have been quarantined, but technician unions have to first approve.

Speaking of reality shows, a lot of them are phony. In fact, according to Variety, these are the five biggest fake reality shows #5 The Voice, #4 Property Brothers, #3 Pawn Stars, #2 Real Housewives of B.H. and #1 The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.

Odds and Ends: Tomorrow Johnny Depp’s libel lawsuit against the London Sun will start. Depp is suing for the paper calling him a wife beater. But hold on, Amber Heard who he reportedly beat when they were married will be in court and testify for the newspaper. 

Reminder, Geoffrey Rush sued the Sydney Daily Telegraph for libel when they accused him sexual misbehavior. Rush won and the paper was ordered to pay him $2.9 million.


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