Report for Monday, Jan 11th

So sad the passing of my friend Tommy Lasorda on Friday. We became friends during my 4 years with the Dodgers. He was bombastic, factious, supercilious and hilarious. Proud to call him my friend and best wishes to his widow Jo. May Tommy rest in peace.

Odd Love Nuggets: Kim Kardashian’s nanny is spilling the beans about what happened behind closed doors. She says Kanye was always out of control, mean to Kim, ignored the kids, disappeared for weeks and terrified everybody. Kim and Kanye will be fighting over a $2 billion fortune. This is going to get very ugly. … In case you missed it, the 38 women who accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault agreed to split a $17 million settlement Friday and avoided a court battle.

Four Sidebars: About the inexcusable happenings in Washington D.C. last week, most of the thousands of rioters who did not wear masks and when they return to their homes will most likely cause a major breakout of covid. F.Y.I., heading the California contingency was Britney Spears former husband, Kevin Federline. … However the days we could go to the Russell, Dirkson and Hart buildings to visit our Senators or visit the Capital or W.H. are gone forever. … Tomorrow Lisa Montgomery is scheduled to be the first female to be executed by the U.S. government in almost 50 years. Ms. Montgomery went to a pregnant Bobbie Stinnett’s house to buy a puppy but instead killed her and cut the baby out of her stomach and raised it until she was caught. The first woman executed by the feds was Mary Surratt in 1865 and was convicted of planning and helping John Wilkes Booth assassinate Abraham Lincoln. . … With hundreds of covid vaccines being destroyed do to N.Y. city’s mis-management, Saturday’s N.Y. Post headline above a photo of an 89 year old woman in critical condition screamed, “Please, Give Me A Shot.” And on Sunday, N.Y. Post featured pictures of the rioters who stormed the Capital on the front page and the headline, “Rebels Without A Clue.”


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