Report for Monday, Feb 17th

Pop Quiz: Again this week, Publicists consensus. Today, they were asked who is the coolest celebrity, these are the Top 4 vote getters but who was voted #1? Is it Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds, Robert Downey Jr. or Hugh Jackman?

Love Nuggets: Nick Cannon says he will never get married again, sighting his horrible experience with Mariah Carey. Saying all the lying and infidelity was enough to last him lifetime. Say’s there were three great thing to come out of it though, their children. … Love of a different sort, Jennifer Hudson has just wrapped Respect, the biopic of Aretha Franklin and says it was the greatest experience of her professional life.

Every Monday I want to share one of my favorite places to visit and with the Daytona 500 yesterday, you have got to check out the Ford Museum in Dearborn. Amazing place and a lot of transportation related stuff, like 10 Presidential limousines including the one JFK was in when assassinated. The bus Rosa Parks was arrested in, the workshop where the Wright Brother designed the first airplane, and the most amazing thing to me, the chair Abraham Lincoln was sitting when in assassinated. Check out Ford Museum.

And if you are traveling soon, you should know that the A.M.A. has warned travelers how to best avoid germs when flying. These are three nastiest, most germ infested places you need to sanitize before touching.

#3 Sanitize the turn knob on that trey release on the seat in front of you. #2 Sanitize that flush button in the bath room. … and #1 Sanitize the kiosk self check-in screen when you arrive. 

Odds and Ends: In D.C., the lead car of the president’s motorcade, has a box that turns all traffic lights in DC red so all traffic in the entire city comes to a stop.  This started with President Obama. I’m betting some of you driving would like that item right now. … Are You Kidding Me? Judge Jerry Springer has been renewed, but only in 18 markets.

Answer – #4 Ryan Reynolds, #3 Hugh Jackman, #2 Robert Downey Jr. and the coolest #1 Keanu Reeves.


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