Report for Monday, Dec 7th

Love Nugget: It is true, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton will get married on Valentine’s Day at a tiny Chapel they are having built as I speak on their huge ranch. 

Got a very sad nugget this morning, the sad passing of David Lander, 73, best known Squiggy on Laverne and Shirley. But he was also known for Scary Movie, Used Cars and the smart ass voice in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I would see David at Dodger games, he was a baseball fanatic and was even hired after Laverne and Shirley as a baseball scout, first for the California Angeles and then Seattle. He also wrote a great book called, Fall Down Laughing, his story of fighting Muscular Sclerosis, May he Rest In Peace.

TV Reminder: I’ve mentioned them before, but a reminder of a couple series worth binging in case you missed them. Jack Ryan, 8 episodes and 2 season’s on Prime. And on HBO Max, Nicole Kidman in the 1 season, 6 episode thriller mystery, The Undoing.

I guarantee it, Anthony Hopkins will get an Oscar nomination for his new movie,

The Father. A gut wrenching, story of a loving, aging father played by the great Hopkins who is suffering from dementia and his daughter and family who try to cope. Honestly, we have a family member going through this now and this film hits all the emotions. In theaters February (4 Stars).

Odds and Ends: Had a chance to try Mariah Carey’s new cookies and they are great. The Chocolate treat box with three different flavors were my favorite. My next favorite was the Pumpkin Box. Not a big fan of the Ginger bread box. All coming to a store near you. … Major League Baseball seems to think the pandemic will be over by baseball season, they are about to roll out a national buy season tickets now and save money in 2021. … And poor Ellen DeGeneres claiming she lost a fortune after all that bad publicity. She just closed on a house next to Harry and Meghan that cost $49 million. She paid cash.


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