Report for Monday, Apr 3rd

Love Nuggets: It Is True, Angelina Jolie once hooked up with The Weekend, and it was the weekend following the wham bam thank you mam, with I’ll call you, but he never has! … Another It Is True, despite Sam Asghari, Britney’s husband of 10 months saying everything is fine, it’s not! Friends say that marriage is hanging by a thread. 

Show Biz Business: Over the weekend, powerful people met in Hollywood to discuss the possibility of a writers strike. This could get ugly. Stay tuned!

TV News: With Major League Baseball opening up to more games on platform formats, the M.L.B. Network kicked off their season last week with their own unique National Anthem, Oh say can you stream! Hey, I thought it was Funny. More baseball, Apple TV has green lighted a mini-series, The Lou Gehrig Story. The mini series will be produced by Saturday Night Live Producer Lorne Michaels and his son Eddie. One more baseball nugget, I watched a lot of baseball this weekend and with the time clock on the pitcher, it’s much faster, more interesting, entertaining and more fun to watch! … Oh heads up, all of us have been cut off in traffic, stuck behind a guy doing 40 in a 60, some idiot swerving while texting and have felt road rage. Beef is a new series coming to Netflix and deals with Road Rage that takes over two people’s lives. April 6th (4 Stars).

Legal Nuggets: Steven Smith body was exhumed over the weekend. He is the South Carolina teenager who reportedly had an affair Buster Murdaugh and his death was changed from a hit and run to a homicide, and an autopsy will take place this week. … As I mentioned, Oscar Pistorius had a parole hearing last week, and as predicted  he was denied. He’ll have another parole hearing next year and will be denied again. … And that scum bag, Gary Glitter, who is known for Rock and Roll Part 2, and spending decades for child sex crimes who was released two weeks ago was re-arrested over the weekend for watching young girls on the dark web. Throw away the key!


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