Report for Monday, Apr. 29th

Pop Quiz Theme this week is Hollywood Hotties. Here are 4 Hollywood hotties, but name the hottie who opens shelters for dogs, graduated from Harvard, attends every Championship boxing match and can’t sing but frequents karaoke bars and keeps trying. Is it Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone or Anne Hathaway?

Love Nuggets: It’s not that Kate Beckinsale and Pete Davidson are no more; an impeccable source says they never were a couple! Turns out they just happened to be at several parties at the same time, and played it up for the gossip columns, it worked. … Drunk Pile Nick Cage, recently married and divorced over 4 days, is in love with love, a love nut.  Here’s a partial history of his ladies, Erika Koike (married + divorced) Ami Dolenz (proposed), Christina Fulton (proposed), Kristen Zang (proposed twice), Lisa Stothard (proposed), Sarah Jessica Parker (proposed), Patricia Arquette (proposed, married and then divorced), Alice Kim (proposed, married, child, divorced), And let’s not forget Lisa Marie Presley (proposed, married, divorced). … The child custody agreement is done for Brad and Angelina. Their kids are now 17, 15, 13, 12 and 10 years old. They’ll split custody, Angelina getting the kids during the school year, Brad visits on weekends, Summers and holidays.

You want corrupt, here you go. Rapist Harvey Weinsleaze donated millions to N.Y. Governor Cuomo and N.Y. Mayor De Blasio’s election campaigns and what do you know, Weinsleaz’s court hearing were given a 10-month extension. Now a judge appointed by Cuomo has ruled no public and no press allowed to view the proceedings! Wait a minute, on Friday, his hearings were delayed again, this time till September. How’s that for corrupt.

Story this weekend, acting like it’s a shock that Robert De Niro and Robin Williams did cocaine with John Belushi the night he died. Excuse me, a lot of folks did blow with Belushi at the Chateau included, David Lee Roth, Steven Tyler, Tommy Hilfiger, George Carlin, Sonny Bono, David Cassidy, Tim Allen and John Candy to name a few.

Answer – Natalie Portman


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