Report for Friday, Mar 6th

Pop Quiz: These are the 4 celebrities with the most cash but who is the richest? Is it Oprah Winfrey, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg or Michael Jordan? F.Y.I. this according to public records in 2019.

Love Nugget: You’ve heard that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry are expecting a baby. They’ve been dating for 4 years and here’s some scoop on the new couple. He’s 43, she’s 35. She love cats, he loves dogs. He likes Biden, she likes Sanders. She’s never had a car accident, he’s had three. On the other hand both best friends with Liv Tyler. They both surf. Both were were vegetarians but no more and recently had an audience with Pope Francis and asked they be blessed with a child and that they are.

Movie Reviews: The most amazing thing about The Way Back is that Ben Affleck is fabulous, best acting since Good Will Hunting. Ben plays a washed up, drunk former High School basketball player that is aimlessly wondering through life when he’s offered a job coaching his former High School basketball team. They are horrible and there’s every chance this film could turn into a cookie cutter, predictable mess. However it’s great writing, twist and some surprise sub-plots makes this film better than ever. Surprise, it’s really good! (Rated R) – (104 Minutes) – (3 ½ Stars).

Next is Disney/Pixar’s, Onward. Set in a fantasy world, yet a relatable suburb, two brothers are off on an adventure that will pull on all your emotions, including trying to bring their father back to life for just one day? I did say it was a fantasy. This is the first Pixar movie in years that isn’t a sequel. And while I really love Toy Story, this fresh, completely unique film is every bit as good as Woody and the gang. Take the family! (Rated PG) – (114 Minutes) – (3 ½ Stars). Two excellent movies this week, go see both!

Answer – #4 Michael Jordan $1.9 Billion, #3 Oprah Winfrey $2.7 billion, #2 Steven Spielberg $3.5 billion, and #1 George Lucas $5.2 billion.


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