Report for Friday, Mar 27th

Pop Quiz: All week long, celebrities and their tattoos. Today, name the celebrity who has her favorite band Motley Crue tattooed to her inner lower lip and a snake wrapped around a dagger on her foot. Is it Michelle Rodriguez, Frances Bean Cobain, Megan Fox or Paris Jackson?

Coronavirus Stuff: With everybody staying home, TV ratings have never been higher, In fact Trump’s daily Coronavirus updates have bigger numbers than M.N.F. and The Bachelor. … BBC has devoted one channel to 24/7 Coronavirus question and answers. … Prison reports, Sleaze is getting the best state of the art drugs to fight his virus. And Bill Cosby is demanding an isolated room in the prison hospital to keep him safe.

And what is up with over 100 nuts licking things in public, challenging the Coronavirus, really? And how about that X Rated store in Peoria who were forced to close but were offering curb side sales of sex toys. Again, really?

What some celebs are doing during this. Brooke Shields loves her gardening, and is planting new vegetables and flowers. … Demi Lovato is really into doing jigsaw puzzles. … Sandra Bullock is writing letters to elderly who are infected, in isolation and hospitals. … Larry David wants to do his part to help the caddies who lost their job at his L.A. country club, Rivera and gotten other members to donate $100,000 for the caddies. … Kris Jenner and Blake Lively are comparing original recipes, they love to cook. … Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Oprah are reading nuts, reading book after book. … And the stars of Friends are rehearsing their special via Skype. People adjusting.

And when things get back to normal, prediction. A lot of people who were told to work from home during this crisis, will be allowed to continue that practice when it’s over.  

F.Y.I. That hour long virus benefit concert on Fox TV Sunday night will be fabulous.

Top Classic movies streaming this weekend. Jurassic Park, Rear Window, Fargo, E.T., Saving Private Ryan and Edward Scissorhands. All worth seeing again. 

Answer – Paris Jackson.


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