Report for Friday, Mar 20th

Pop Quiz: All week long the best State for various things. Today, these are the 4 best States to retire in but which is #1? Is it North Carolina, Iowa, South Dakota or Florida? 

More Coronavirus Nuggets you may not have heard. I have three bad news notes, First, about 20 overpaid, over pampered, over sexed and over ego celebrities and professional athletes are going to receive a lot of blow back when this is all over. These celebrities demanded virus tests despite not having any symptoms and while tests were still hard to find and people who needed the test had to go with out. What jerks! Second, even bigger jerks are the National Enquirer who’s headline this week screamed they had the cure of the Coronavirus. Obviously lying. Anything to sell their nasty ass rag. Third, I’m hearing Tom Hanks is not recovering as fast as his wife Rita, keep him in your prayers.  

But there’s good news. Invisible Hands has quickly become a national organization that makes sure food is provided to the elderly who can’t get to the store or vulnerable. … And Mark Cuban is donating thousands of dollars to pay Home Care workers and Child Care expenses so they can go shop and care for the elderly. Class act. 

It is Movie Review Friday, however since a lot of folks are staying in,  today movies and programs you can watch at home. All on Netflix now, 4 Stars for mini-series, The Strange, The Five, Doctor Foster and The Circle. … Spenser Confidential the movie with Mark Wahlberg also gets 4 Stars. Also there are two great documentaries on Netflix, Pharmacist and American Factory.

No surprise that since the Coronavirus, TV ratings are way up. People staying at home.

On a lighter note, there’s a new generic name for several medicines, as you know the generic name for Advil is Ibuprofen, generic for Aleve is Naproxen and now the new generic name from Viagra is Ibepokin. Just thought you should know.

Answer – Sighting, Taxes, Health care, Transportation and things to do, the best are #4 North Carolina, #3 Iowa, #2 South Dakota but #1 is Florida.


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