Report for Friday, July 17th

It’s one of those thank God it’s Friday.

Got a stinky Love Nugget: From Johnny Depp’s court room. Don’t know whether it was Depp or Heard who pooped in their bed but Depp called a lab to the house, he wanted to get DNA of that poop. However when told the lab couldn’t get there for 24 hours, Johnny decided it stunk too much. This was a marriage made in a septic tank.

Odds and Ends: The bitterness between Angelina and Brad is beginning to hurt their kids. Angelina has majority custody and apparently spends most of her time bad mouthing Brad trying to turn the kids against him. Brad has asked social workers to step in.

Orlando Bloom was out late last night with friends looking for his dog named Mighty. It’s not the first time Mighty has wondered off, last time he was found at his Monticello neighbor’s property, Oprah Winfrey’s. F.Y.I.,  Orlando’s wife Katy Perry is a cat person. In a few weeks, their pets will take a backseat to a baby.

Sad the Rose Parade was canceled and certainly the Rose Bowl Game is in Jeopardy. I spent many December 31st at a buddy’s condo who had a place right on the parade root. We’d party all night, then go to the game. Great times, great memories, but not this year.

Sports Shorts: Baseball presumably returns next week and when teams go on the road, the announcers wont. They will watch on TV and call the games that way. … The Office cast have a $5,000 Fantasy Football Pool and Creed is one of the players. You know Creed, he’s the old guy in the Office. Well, F.Y.I. I first met Creed back in the 70’s, I booked two concerts, one in Alb, one in El Paso with Eric Burdon and The Animals and The Grass Roots. Creed played guitar and sang with the Grass Roots and remember, he had the best marijuana.

N.Y. Post Headline: With 2 N.Y. policemen struck with bats during a peaceful march, left a bloody mess and whisked to the hospital, Post headline screamed, “Blue Bloods.”


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