Report for Friday, Jan 3rd

Pop Quiz: Name the hottie voted Top 50 Most Beautiful Women in 1999, was born in California but raised in Arizona, Dallas, and Colorado,  and was in a rock video with Bon Jovi. Is it Reese Witherspoon, Eva Longoria, Angelina Jolie or Keri Russell?

I’m sure you heard about Idiot N.Y. Mayor De Blasio says he may file criminal gouging charges against Domino’s Pizza for charging $30 for pizza on New Years Eve in Times Square.  I’ve been to the Ball drop, and let me tell you, hotels cost twice as much, Cabs charge a huge service charge, walk in Times Square and restaurants charge a minimum, $1000 for a table for 2, even flying to New York at New Years costs a lot more. Ah yeah, getting a pizza that night is going to cost a few more bucks. De Blasio also stopped sales of Big Gulps. Idiot.

One more De Blasio Nugget. New New Years New York laws, if you’re arrested for child pornography, criminal negligent homicide, domestic violence, animal cruelty or misdemeanor assault. You will be booked and released. No bail required.

And 2000 SAG, Producers Guild, Writers Guild, Directors Guild, Studio Executives, Publicists, Manager and Agents to name the Top 10 movies of all times, and how many have you seen? #10 Schindler’s List, #9 2001: A Space Odyssey, #8 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, #7 The Godfather Part II, #6 Casablanca, #5 Pulp Fiction, #4 The Shawshank Redemption, #3 Citizen Kane, #2 The Wizard of Oz, and #1 The Godfather.    

And there is a really exciting movie in pre-production about the true life stories of two girls from the Netherlands in the 1940’s named Truus Oversteegen and Hannie Schaft. They were beautiful 19 year old girls who flirted with Nazi officers when the Nazis first occupied the Netherlands. When the girls got the Nazi officers in bed, they killed them!   

The Palm Springs Film Festival is happening now. Celebrities their include, Charlize Theron, Jamie Foxx, Renee Zellweger, Joaquin Phoenix, Adam Driver, Jennifer Lopez, and Martin Scorsese.

Oh yeah, no new movie release this week, lots next week.  

Answer – Keri Russell.


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