Report for Friday, Dec 11th

Movie Review Friday: While there’s not a lot going on, there is, The Prom, starring Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep on Netflix this weekend. It’s about a broadway cast who reads about a small Illinois high school who wont allow two girls to attend the prom together and decide to go to Illinois and set the school straight. A funny and entertaining musical (3 Stars). … Meryl Streep also stars on HBO Max in, Let Them All Talk. Told you about this film, Meryl, two old friends and a nephew go on a cruise and realize they have a lot to learn. (3 Stars). … On Hulu, Happiest Season, about two lesbians who visit one of their parents for Christmas, but not sharing that they’re gay. It was funny enough for me. (3 Stars). … However, don’t let me catch you wasting your time or money on, The Stand-In. Starring Drew Barrymore in this horrible, ridiculous, poorly written crap! I stopped the screener a couple times and hid in the closet it was so bad. Please don’t buy it on Prime.

Johnny Depp News: He wont cut his losses and now is doubling down, spending millions on lawyer fees challenging the wife beating court decision. But why? Even if the decision gets overturned which it wont, the bell can’t be unrung. But, his best friend, Tim Burton is sticking with him giving Depp the starring roll in The Adams Family.

TV News: Ellen’s TV Show will be canceled. She tried everything to avoid, deflect, deny and ignore her mean, abusive behavior, and more and more crew are leaving, some threatening to sue. Sponsors are bailing, the network has had enough. What’s that song, bye bye, so long farewell, and good riddance!

The hottest nugget of the week, maybe the year. A member of congress says he doesn’t know exactly when, how, where or why but predicts that Kamala Harris will be the President of the United States in 2 years. Told me to write it down, so I have. We’ll see.

Lots of folks will be Christmas shopping this week, if you are one, be safe.


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