Report for Friday, Aug 14th

Personal Comment: With the election coming, I don’t want to hear Adam Sandler or Heather Locklear telling me to vote for Trump or Ben Affleck or Ryan Reynolds telling me to vote for Biden. And Lebron James put out a press release that he approves of Kamala Harris being Biden’s V.P., who the hell cares what Lebron James says or what any celebrity’s political opinions are any more than the grocer, gardner or mailman?

Odds and Ends: Latest on the Brad-gilina divorce. It’s a very odd deal, the are actually legally divorced, however, none of the financial or child custody arrangements are settled yet. Yesterday, Angelina’s attorneys filed papers that Brad’s attorneys and the judge working the case, play golf together, are friends and should be removed. Stay tuned. … This is unbelievable, the New York Daily News has shut down their newsroom but will continue to put out papers, but they will all be commentary, not real news. … More unbelievable, while Hollywood accuses everybody as raciest you should know, the Make-Up union, Grips union, Set Directors, Personal Assistants, Film Editors and sound technicians are made up of less than 20% of African Americans. Only the Drivers and studio chauffeurs are made up of a majority of African Americans. What’s that old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do?” Only on Hollywood. … One more unbelievable, but this is the worst. Rioters and looters in New York smashed and stole from the Ronald McDonald House while sick children were inside. 

Movie News: On demand, Made in Italy. Stars Liam Neeson and Liam’s real life son, Micheal Richardson. Micheal’s mother was Natasha Richardson, who died in 2009 in a skiing accident. Liam and Micheal play an estranged father and son who come together to sell the old family home in Italy. Beautifully shot in Tuscany. The story is sweet (3 Stars).

And every Friday I want to suggest two movies, most have been seen but would be great to see again over the weekend. Today, it’s Airplane, with Robert Hayes and Leslie Nielsen and Dragnet with Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks. Both will make you laugh out loud again!


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