“Pop Goes the Weiner.”

Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who does not have Autism. Is it Dan Aykroyd, Courtney Love, Tim Burton or Steve Martin?

Hottest Nugget of the day. That Kanye/Kim marriage is on the rocks just keeps getting, louder folks, stay tuned.

All this week, bizarre laws in foreign countries. Today from Guam, where there are men who’s full time job is traveling to the country villages and deflowering virgins. Reason, in Guam it is against the law for virgins to marry.

Unusual Quote of the Week: Bill Clinton saying, “I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m one of those people that no matter what I say, people believe me.”

Reminds me, at an intersection red light, 2 cars were ahead of me, the car to the right had a bumper sticker that read, “I Bid One No Trump.” The car ahead of me had a bumper sticker, “Vote Hillary, She’s Not Indicted Yet.”

Odds and Ends: The Cato Institute releases an annual list of the freest and least free States to live in, Government Rules, Taxes, and personal local rules and laws. The most free states to live in #5. New Hampshire, #4, Alaska, #3 Oklahoma, #2 Indiana and #1 Freest State, South Dakota. The Least Free States #5 Maryland, #4, New Jersey, #3 Hawaii, #2 California, and Least Free is New York.

NY Post Headline: Anthony Weiner is at it again, now a father and babysitting, Weiner caught sexting pix of his chest and crotch to some woman, his wife Huma Abedin is filling for divorce. Post headline screams, “Pop Goes the Weiner.”

Final comment on Colin Kaepernick and his refusing to stand the for the National Anthem. He can think what he wants, but people don’t pay money to go to the 49ers game to see his political views. You couldn’t do it at work, nor should he.

Date in History, August 30th. 1993 David Letterman started the Late Show on CBS.

Answer – Steve Martin.


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