Mike Evans

On The Road – EvansRadio.com

The Next Phase

  • Report for Thursday, Mar 13th

    I’ve got a different kind of report for you today, its all about real life horrific murderers! When I was a pup reporter first getting started in radio, I covered the Charles Manson murders and it was one of the most shocking, unbelievable stories I ever covered. With that in mind please check out Chaos: The Manson Murders now on Netflix! A new documentary that suggest Manson was a paid CIA agent hired to start a race war! That’s just plain sheep dip! The murders of Sharon Tate and her friends was an accident. Manson sent his killers to Doris Day’s son, Terry Melcher’s house, who was a record producer to kill Melcher who turned Manson down for a record deal. What Manson didn’t know, Melcher had sold the house weeks earlier to Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate! However, Manson did tell his gang to write “PIG” in the victims blood to make it look like minorities did it! But Manson never had anything to do with the CIA.

    Next, Prediction, Lyle and Erik Menendez are not getting out of prison despite what you might have read or heard. Look, they were in their early 20’s when they planned for weeks to shoot, stab and kill their parents for the millions they were going to inherit. First they blamed intruders. Then, after being arrested they admitted they killed their parents, but insisted it was because they were sexually abused. They went out for dinner with their parents the night before, like everything was fine. It was a cold blooded double murder of their own mom and dad. They should never get out of prison.

    One quick movie comment. While I liked the Nicole Kidman movie, Holland, coming to Prime/Amazon on March 27th, a lot of my fellow reviewers have panned it! Hey, some people like ketchup on their hot dogs, some like mustard. I still liked it.

Me and Pete Rose!

Mike Evans

“Hey, it’s the Hose, Hey, it’s the Hose!

Ok, here’s the deal.

Wait.You already know the deal…

Welcome back!

Mike Evans

Original Hose