O.T.R. 11-18-13



Love Nuggets: There is a report that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are not living together, trouble in paradise. … I had heard two different stories about the girl that video taped Justin Bieber after their fling, and I wanted to be fair, so called her a model/prostitute. Now I know she is, the most filthy vulgar porn star in Argentina. That Biebs he’s all class. More Bieber, he had a party Friday and it was so loud police were called at 1, 3 and 5AM and a disturbing the peace complaint was filed again. That Biebs is all class.

Question, how dose Alec Baldwin berate his 11 year old daughter calling her a pig, beat his ex-wife Kim Basinger, call people the “N” word, call gays the “F” word, get thrown off planes, and be verbally and physically violent, and he get’s a pass, however, Michael Richards has a one minute meltdown and is ran out of Hollywood?

Sad Story: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis took Ashton’s 11 year old bulldog, Cris to the Vet on Friday, knowing Cris had cancer and was going to be put down, both came out of the Vet a couple hours later, in tears.

Great NY Post headline, Huge picture of a girl from the neck down with huge breasts. The story was about a girl who made an appointment to have her breasts enlarged and an hour before the surgery, she stole a credit card, and then charged the surgery to the stolen card. The Headline screamed, “Grand Theift Tata’s.”


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