O.T.R. 10-30-13



Love Nuggets: Mia Farrow’s ex-husband Woody Allen isn’t the real sex sicky in the family, Mia’s brother, John Farrow just cut a deal with prosecutors and agreed to do 25 years in state Prison for molesting 2 boys ages 9 and 13, now that’s sick. … Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban admit sending sex texts to each other everyday..

Movie Reviews: 12 Years A Slave isn’t as much enjoyable, but more of an awakening, disturbing page of American History. This is a true story about about a free black man in the 1800’s who lived in NY who is abducted by slave traders and taken to a plantation in the south. While it could have been mistaken identity, it’s not, it’s greed and a way of life back then that is hard to believe. This is a powerful, gut wrenching movie and there are some twists and turns you won’t see coming. One of the best movies of the year starring little known Chiwetel Ejiofor, Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender. (Rated R) – (133 Minutes) – (4 Stars)

TV News: Ratings news, Monday, World Series 13.4, The Voice 13.1, Blacklist 10.8. … GMA beats The Today show everyday, but GMA has a problem, George Stephanopoulos, Robin Roberts, Lara Spencer and Josh Elliott, all the GMA stars contracts are up. … Netflix announces it will stream Dexter and theater owners say Netflix is hurting them.

When the Obama’s went to church last Sunday, which is a rare occasion, Michelle was wearing $1500 Jimmy Choos Boots, a $4,000 sweater dress and $2500 necklace.


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