O.T.R. 10-21-13



Love Nuggets: Rumors getting louder and louder that Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin’s wife, has been wondering off the reservation. … Charlie Sheen say’s he prefers to have 1 night stands rather than real relationships, and prefers to have them with fans because they are more appreciative. That’s sick.

TV News: Glee’s last season will be next Season. … It is official, Big Bang just keeps getting bigger and bigger ratings, last week a 17.7. … HBO would love to develop a weekly, sitcom road series for Tina Faye and Ann Pohler.

Odds and Ends: Oprah is all over Lindsay Lohan in NY, trying to keep her straight, but Lindsay is starting to hang out with the wrong crowd, Lindsay could go either way. … Britney Spears spotted over the weekend in Las Vegas, going to Garage Sales. … There are two Elvis bio movies on the drawing board. Boy, that’s a long time coming. … Sorry folks, I just don’t get it, Brenda Lee, Linda Ronstadt and Joni Mitchel are in the R&R Hall of Fame, but band Chicago is not. … The least amount of money Michael Jordan gambles when playing golf is $25,000, $25,000 a hole. … They’re calling it BrainGate. In a book coming out next month, the story that during JFK’s autopsi at Bethesda Hospital his brain was removed and put in a metal case, it was ordered by Robert Kennedy. That case has mysteriously disappeared. … And, hated to see the Dodgers lose, but it’s just baseball, no big. Was fun while it lasted and I’ll be pulling for St. Louis and in St. Louis next weekend for the Series.


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