O.T.R. 10-16-13



TV News: Anthony Hopkins sent a letter to the producers of Breaking Bad and the star Bryan Cranston saying, “Congratulations on the most brilliant television show I have ever seen.” High praise. … Alec Baldwin’s new late, late show is not doing that well in the ratings. … Mark Burnett’s next reality show is a cooking show with amateurs on the TNT Network. … Kathy Bates is still calling NBC names for canceling her show Harry’s Law, pointing out that no show on NBC has pulled as big of numbers as her old show. … More Ratings, Meet The Press keeps slipping on Sunday’s, Face The Nation way up, Blacklist continues to dominate Monday nights.

Movie Nuggets: Big movie being shot in Hawaii, there is no title, it’s just called a Cameron Crow project, a romantic comedy starring Bradley Cooper, Bill Murray, Emma Stone, and Alec Baldwin. … I will review Robert Redford’s All is Lost movie in a couple days, but here’s a tease, the film is 2 hours long and there are only 20 lines in the whole film.

Quick Book Review: A Bite of the Apple, My Life With Steve Jobs, by Chrisann Brennan who was Steve’s girlfriend during the early days of Apple and the mother of his 1st child. She talks about the broke days, the sad days, the sex and the ugly break-up. (3 Stars)

First Oscar Odds for 3 Best Picture: Dallas Buyers Club, Captain Phillips, The Butler.
First Oscar Odds for 3 Best Actors: Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club,
Forest Whitaker in The Butler, and Tom Hanks in Captain Phillips.


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