O.T.R. 10-14-13



Kardashian crap, after dropping the bomb that she was dropping him, Kris told Bruce she wanted to use the break-up on the reality show. Bruce said she could cram the show.
Great Bruce Jenner quote on Kris, “Kris’s priorities in life are Gucci Purses and Bentley’s. Hell, she came out of the womb screaming, Where’s my Ferrari.” Kris also says she wished she never would have divorced Robert Kardashian, well, that would mean, she never would have had daughters Kendall and Kylie, idiot. And, mark my words, Kris will take back the Kardashian name, for the show.

Love Nuggets: Sean Penn’s daughter Dylan Penn has broken up with Robert Pattinson, she say’s Robert was too clingy and they said it wouldn’t last. … Woody Allen has hired a battery of Private Investigators to go back 25 to 30 years and find out whether his son Ronan was fathered by Frank Sinatra. My guess, he was.

TV News: Two biopics in the pipeline, one on accused murdered Amanda Knox and the other will star Adele as Dusty Springfield.

Odds and Ends: Weird quote from Piers Morgan’s autobiography, “There is a time and place for everything, but Sharon Osbourne sticking her naked breasts in my face on a private jet at 35,000 feet, is not the right time or place.” Hard to believe. … Head’s up, Conrad Murray get’s out of jail 2 weeks from today. … Good /Bad sports weekend for me, Dodgers lose 2 in St. Louis but my buddy Tim Bradley won his fight on HBO.


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