O.T.R. 09-30-13



Love Nuggets: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have been spending a lot of time with her parents, adding speculation that a wedding is being planned. More Ashton and Mila, on Saturday’s this time of year they are at the Iowa University football games, Sunday’s they attend Chicago Bear games. … Katy Perry and John Mayer are tighter than ever, and she’s talking about having a baby. … And speaking of baby’s, Halle Berry is due next week, Ivanka Trump is due in 2 weeks and Kate Winslet is due next month. … Janet Jackson and her new husband are pulling a Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and are planning to adopt multiple kids, from Africa, and Syria.

TV Ratings: Wow, what a shocker on Thursday, #1 was Big Bang Theory with an 18.1, #2 was Robin Williams new show with a spectacular 15.6, #3 was Michael J. Fox’s new show with a miserable 7.2, #4 X-Factor, #5.8, then Glee with a 5.2. Oh, oh, Hawaii 5-0’s Friday premier ratings were down 17% could be aloha.

TV News: The TLC network has greenlighted a show that really go after the FDLS, also knows as Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The religion practices polygamy as exampled by their former President Warren Jeff who’s doing life for sexually assaulting young girls. It’s called, Breaking the Faith and it follow 6 former FDLS members who have left the cult.

No Surprise here, friends say Miley Cyrus was very, very high on MDMA and Pot when she did the MTV, VMA’s. Duh.


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