O.T.R. 07-15-13



So sad, the death of Cory Monteith over the weekend. He was 31, and admitted having a drug problem since he was 13. He had also just got out of rehab. 2 weeks ago I told you about a production assistant on Glee, who complained shooting was delayed almost eveyday because some of the stars were to doped up to do their scenes. Autopsy today.

Head’s up, Michelle Obama is quietly taking the kids to Chicago Friday to see Beyonce in concert. The use of Air Force 2, support aircraft, motorcade support, secret services, extra local security, etc will cost the tax payers about $2 million.

TV News: Prediction, when the 2 racist Big Brother contestants, Arryn and Gina Marie are eventually voted out of the house, they will be booed by the live audience, that’s never happened before, but never been raciest in the house before either. … NBC has finally canceled, Betty White’s Off Their Rockers show. Ridiculous, unfunny skits about the elderly. One of the worse TV shows in years, what took them so long.

Odds and Ends: Lisa Marie Presley Keogh Jackson Cage Lockwood has quit Scientology. But, her mom Priscilla, Tom Cruise and John Travolta had an intervention to change her mind but Lisa Marie’s mind was made up. Word that Lisa and mom are still not talking. … Odd Sports Stat. Of the 121 football players at University of Florida who played with good guy Tim Tebow and bad guy Arron Hernandez 41 have been arrested for felonies. 41? That’s 35%, What up?


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