O.T.R. 06-26-13



For your information, other celebrities headed to Wimbledon are Goldie Hawn, Matthew Perry, Steve Martin, Will Smith, Naomi Campbell and 50 Cent.

Love Nuggets: Wildest rumor in a long time, that the very big when pregnant Kim Kardashian, she was too big that she was full term and the baby is actually her then husband, Chris Humphrey’s. Hey, do the math. … Kate Upton is not dating LA Clipper Blake Griffin as has been reported. … Kelly Osbourne is engaged to Chef and model Matthew Mosshart, could marry Labor Day.

Baby News: Is it true Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are expecting. … It Is True Brad and Angelina want to adopt a child from war ravaged Syria and scoop, Angelina is trying to get pregnant, wants one more baby. Those 2 kids would make 8!

TV News: When Heidi Klum took the gig on America’s Got Talent, part of her deal was she get 3 hours a day of free time just to be with her 4 kids who travel with her. … Latest addition to the highly acclaimed Downtown Abby cast is Paul Giamatti.

Odds and Ends: There could be 2 arrest warrants issued against New England Patriot, Arron Hernandez, a 6 month old attempted murder case in Florida and the Mass case. … Anytime 12 year old Sasha Obama leaves the White House, a walk, go to the Mall with friends, when she leaves the White House 20 Secret Service men go with her.


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