O.T.R. 06-04-13



Love Nuggets: Leonardo DiCaprio says he’s in love again! This time 40 year old Leo is in love with 20 year old Toni Garrn the sexiest underwear model in the world.

TV News: There’s talk of a un-authorized biopic on Justin Bieber, that would make him look even worse than he already does! People behind the project are old buddies and staff of Bieber who say he screwed them over so they are willing to tell all.

Rod Stewart was asked his most embarrassing moment, and Rod said, it wasn’t on stage. Stewart said in 1983 he paid cash for a custom Porsche, drove it off the lot, headed to his insurance agent, a block from away, stopped at a 7/11 for a pack of smokes, ran in, but left the keys in the car, came out, car was gone and never seen again, un-insured!

Marilyn Manson is bidding on a very bizarre item on E-bay, it’s a four body-drawer, refrigerator from the NY morgue. A refrigerator that holds four corps in perfect working condition, Manson would use it to hold beer in his party room. It would hold 1200 beers.

Odds and Ends: At last week’s AARP Convention, they had the perfect entertainment, there was Bob Newhart(83) and Don Rickles(87). … While Justin Bieber’s neighbors are trying to get him kicked out of the neighborhood, Amanda Bynes neighbors have kicked her out of her New York apartment. It was easier since she was just renting, while Bieber owns his place. … Christy Brinkley just finished a bikini photo shoot, she is hot and she is 59.


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