O.T.R. 05-16-13



In a related nugget if you’ll excuse the pun, Mick Jagger said he would not appear with the Stones, until Kieth Richards apologized and took back the comment in his book that Mick was hung like a raisin. Well Kieth never took it back, and Mick’s back on tour.

Love News: Demi and Ashton’s divorce is so volatile, they only talk threw lawyers. … Katie Holmes has basically become a serial dater, dates anybody that asks.

O.J. took the stand yesterday, testifying his lawyer never told him there was a plea offer on the table for only a year in jail. However, according to O.J. the lawyer stressed since he was retrieving his own property, he couldn’t be charged with robbery. Wrong!
While Simpson was compelling and sympathetic, these were big deals, remember, he’s a pathological liar, re-trials are seldom granted, I still think he’ll still be denied.

Do you like Vegas? Actress Heather Graham doesn’t. She said she almost turned down the part in Hangover 3 because it was being shot in Vegas. Heather calls Vegas phoney, loud, obnoxious, crowded and stinks, okay. … Is it true? Leonardo DiCaprio, Bradley Cooper and Toby McGuire have gambling issues. All 3 have million dollar credit lines in Vegas, they play 21 and craps.

Movie News: Chris Pine, Jake Gyllenhaal, Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp are all going to sing in the Disney movie, Into The Woods. … One of the longest and most costly Hollywood court battle’s is who owns the rights to Dungeons and Dragons. Question, who cares?


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