O.T.R. 04-23-13



Movie News: Jane Fonda hates Nancy Reagan but Jane will play Nancy in the movie, The Butler. When asked if she would show Nancy’s warm, caring, sweet lady, Fonda said, she would play Nancy as a cold, firm woman. What would you expect from Jane. … I guarantee, despite what you’ve heard, Seth MacFarlane will not host the Oscars. … Robert De Niro is making a movie, Last Vegas, set in the 60’s which he and 4 friends go to Vegas for one big blowout before one of his buddies gets married, wait a minute, isn’t that just the Hangover with old guys? … Mark Wahlberg has gained 30 pounds, all muscle for the movie, Pain and Gain.

Odds and Ends: Ellen Degeneres career was dead when her agent, Eric Gold turned it around, a book, a TV Show and more. Now Ellen has cut his commission, so Eric has resigned, basically Ellen fired him. Shame, shame on Ellen.

Odd/odd Nugget: Did you know that Pitt Bulls are banned in Australia? Friend of mine moving to Australia was not allowed to bring his Pitt Bull into the country. … I told you about there being more pot shops in LA than Starbucks, here’s more LA weird, yesterday I was at the Del Amo Mall shopping center, and saw a kiosk where they were selling clip-on, false, gold and diamond grills, You know false Gold/Diamond front teeth clip ons, only in Los Angeles, you can buy fake grills at a Mall kiosk. Popular signs at stores here in L.A. where you can pay with your I-Phones, sign says, yes, we scan.


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