O.T.R. 02-26-13



Latest on Lindsay: Her moron New York lawyer has filed papers with the courts, demanding the case against her for lying to the police be dropped, because Lindsay was not read her Miranda Rights, Idiot! Lindsay wasn’t under arrest, she just started screaming at cops when they got there, that she wasn’t driving. Judge will laugh this out of court. The million dollar law suit Lindsay brought against Pitt Bull for using her name in one of his songs has been thrown out of court and Lindsay has been ordered to pay Pitt Bull’s $81,000 attorney bill and,the New York woman who accused Lindsay of assault, that case will go forward according to prosecutors.

The Oscars just ended but already the 4 front runners to win next year, like ARGO, are also films of true stories. Captain Phillips stars Tom Hanks as the Captain of a cargo ship that is hijacked by Somali Pirates. Tom Hanks also stars as Walt Disney, in Saving Mr. Banks! Next is FoxCatcher, stars Steve Carrell as the eccentric millionaire John DuPont, who’ convicted of killing his friend. Then there’s The Butler starring Forrest Whitaker as a butler who served 8 Presidents at the White House.

Love Nuggets: Mel Gibson is a playa, dating a different woman every weekend. … Although Kanye West really loves Kim, he does not get along with her family. … There’s talk the Pitt’s are thinking of adopting one more child.

Hollywood best friends: Halle Berry and Sandra Bullock, Steve Martin and George Clooney, Mathew MaConahey and Ashton Kutcher, Reese Witherspoon and Naomi Watts.


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