Pop Quiz: Name the star who played running back for 2 years when in college. Is it Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby or James Earl Jones?
Turning heads: Suki Waterhouse, Bradley Cooper’s ex, and Kelly Rohrbach, Leonardo DiCaprio’s ex have been hitting all the night spots together, two hotties!
Movie News: It was the biggest year in history for the movie box office, but it was only because Star Wars pushed it over the top, there was 11 billion dollars in total ticket sales in 2015. … That reminds me, Star Wars probably wont do that great in China, reason, China Star Wars earlier movies were not shown there, so it is doubtful many will see the latest franchise.
How big is your house or apartment? Starting today, NY is offering about 40 265 sq. ft apartments, that cost $1250.00 a month. They are the size of half a subway car, smaller than a 2 car garage about the size of large dumpster.
Odds and Ends: NFL Cheerleaders and cheering! A superior court judge has determined NFL teams who dictate to cheerleaders their eating habits, weight and even how they use their feminine products are employees not independent contractors and have labor rights. Cheerleaders now make less than minimum.
This is a stretch but I love this, NY Post Headline. A 6 foot 2/230 pound hot lady wrestler get’s busted for being a serial shoplifter, NY Post headline screamed, “Lady Beef Take.”
Date in History, January 13. 1981, Donna Griffith of London, England finally stops sneezing after 978 days, longest sneezing attack in history. 1929, 81 year old Wyatt Earp dies in a Los Angeles Apartment.
Answer – Bill Cosby played running back at Temple University in 1962-63.
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