Pop Quiz: Generally speaking on an average week, who pays the most for their clothes while out campaigning, Hillary or Trump?
Political Hollywood News: The Entertainment is getting set for the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia next month, already signed up, Katy Perry, Beyonce, Ellen DeGeneres and Madonna.
I’ve been singing this song for 18 months, and here is the latest. 38 days to the Olympics, roads are not ready, there are not enough volunteers or staffers, stadiums not finished, water sports will be competed in germ and bacteria infested water filled with Zika carrying mosquitoes, 5,000 portable toilets are no where to be found, those hired for security are planning a strike, no sound systems, and there is a rumor of a terrorist attack. Can you say disaster.
Amazing Stat: According to the United States Census and Human Services, there are more people on Well Fair and Food Stamps than are working in California, New Mexico, New York Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. Now that’s sad.
On the drawing board but not a done deal, Siegfried and Roy biopic, John McEnroe-vs-Serena Williams Tennis match, just like the old 1970’s Billie Jean King -vs- Bobby Riggs. Could precede the Super Bowl. And oh yeah, Tony dominating Hamilton will be a movie with the original cast.
Date in History, June 29. 2003, Katharine Hepburn died, she was 96 years old, and you have no idea how hard it is for me to work in a Hepburn impression.
Answer – On average Trump’s Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein suits run about $800, sometime wears Trump Suits that run $499, while most of Hilary’s pant suits and dresses, usually, Gucci, Dior or Armani cost between, $1000/1400.
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